About me
This is my personal site for letting people know what I’ve been up to. I’m currently a PhD researcher in AI and Music at QMUL in London, due to complete sometime in 2024. Before that I’ve been a Ruby on Rails developer and a Support Engineering Manager at Heroku (2015-2019) where I was part of an incredible support team.
My background is in music - I’ve played guitar since I was 10 and double bass since I was 13 - and I’ve tried to combine this with programming as you can see on this site. I love jazz and swing music, especially guitar players from the 1920s-1960s and I lead a local big band. To develop my own playing I make a lot of transcriptions - these take ages to do manually and I’m looking at ways to improve automatic transcription as part of my PhD research.
I’ve also been a long-time contributor to the Sonic Pi project. This combines Ruby and SuperCollider and is generally loads of fun to use. Working on it has helped my programming and conception of music and I’ll try to share my findings over time.